Agricultural Use:
Urea is a concentrated straight nitrogenous fertilizer that contains 46% nitrogen, which is a major plant nutrient. Nitrogen is a vital component of chlorophyll which is necessary for the photosynthesis process. It is applied to promote vegetative growth of crops and orchards in splits (basal & top-dressing).
In irrigated crops, Mostly, Urea is applied on the standing crop followed by irrigation to minimize its losses. In rain fed areas, it is often spread just before rain to minimize losses through volatilization process. “Sona Urea” produced by FFC is in prilled form and at FFBL in Granular form. Granular Urea has the advantage of ease of application on standing crops because of large size granules. Its efficiency is relatively better in high water demanding crops like rice.
Industrial Use:
Raw material for manufacturing of plastics, adhesives and industrial feedstock.
Sona D.A.P
Agriculture Use:
Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP) belongs to a series of water-soluble ammonium phosphates that is produced through a reaction of ammonia and phosphoric acid. DAP is the most concentrated phosphatic fertilizer containing 46% P2O5 and 18% N. It is recommended for all crops as basal fertilizer to be applied at the time of sowing for better root proliferation and inducing energy reactions in the plants. The solubility of DAP is more than 90%, which is the highest among the phosphatic fertilizers available in the Country; due to which it can also be applied post planting through fertigation. Further, on account of its nitrogen content; upon completion of nitrification process, the ultimate reaction of DAP is acidic.
Industrial Use:
Fire retardant used in commercial firefighting products. Other uses are as metal finisher, yeast nutrient and sugar purifier.
Agriculture Use:
SOP is an important source of Potash, a quality nutrient for production of crops, especially fruits and vegetables. FFC SOP contains 50% K2O in addition to 18%
sulfur, which is an important nutrient especially for oil seed crops because of its role in increasing the oil contents. It has also an additional advantage of ameliorating effect on salt-affected soils. Sulfur also helps in containing spread of fungal or other soil borne diseases. Potash is an important nutrient for activation of enzymes in the plant body, develops resistance against pests, diseases, stresses like water/frost injury and also helps in increasing sugar / starch contents in plants. It also improves quality and taste of vegetables / fruits.
FFC SOP is one of the finest quality products with less than 1% Chloride content being imported from European origin and preferred for the high value Tobacco crop.
Industrial Use:
Occasionally used in manufacturing of glass.
Agricultural Use:
Potassium chloride (commonly referred as Muriate of Potash or MOP) is the most common potassium source used in agriculture, accounting for more than 90% of all potash fertilizers used worldwide. FFC MOP contains 60% K2O and is used mainly for fertilizing sugarcane, maize, fruit trees, vegetables and other field crops except tobacco.
Industrial Use:
Used in Medicine, scientific applications, food processing etc.
Agricultural Use:
Sona Boron is a micronutrient fertilizer in the form of Di-Sodium Tetra Borate Decahydrate in 3 Kg packing. It is an essential micronutrient required for plant nutrition, which plays a vital role in a number of growth processes especially new cell development, fruit/seed setting, translocation of sugars, starches, nitrogen and phosphorous, nodule formation in legumes and regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Boron deficiency appears in youngest leaves as wrinkled, often thicker and of a darkish blue green color. As deficiency progresses, the terminal growing point dies and flowers & fruits formation is restricted or inhibited; fruits remain very small and of poor quality. Keeping in view increasing boron deficiency in Pakistan soils, FFC is providing superior quality Sona Boron containing 10.5% Boron (Borax). It is soluble in water and readily available to plants. It is used as soil application alone or by mixing with other fertilizers.
Agricultural Use:
Sona Zinc is a micronutrient fertilizer in the form of Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate (27%) in 3 Kg packing. It is an essential micronutrient required for plant nutrition, which plays a vital role in a number of growth processes especially in chlorophyll synthesis, proteins, activation of enzymes and plays important part in hormonal activity particularly auxins. Zinc deficiency is widespread throughout Pakistan and zinc deficiency in soil is translating as deficient element in human diet and livestock feed. In crops, its deficiency results in growth inhibition, leaf yellowing, less number of leaves and low crop yields. The zinc deficiency is causing different diseases in humans and livestock. Keeping in view the wide spread deficiency of zinc in Pakistan, FFC is providing high quality Sona Zinc. It is highly water soluble and can also be used as fertigation i.e. application with irrigation. It can be mixed with other fertilizers for broadcast in the field.